Archon Fitness Rating – Fire Service


 £5 of the entry fee goes directly to the Fire Fighters Charity



We’re searching for the UK’s Fittest Fire Fighter…

Stage 1 – Identify your Archon Fitness Rating [AFR]

To gain your Archon Fitness Rating [AFR] you need to complete the BIG10 and then input your scores online. Your score is not valued simply on how much weight you lifted or how fast you ran. Instead, the Archon algorithms assess your performance in correlation to your height, weight, age and gender. Your score is personal to you and your ability, no one else’s. This allows for a truly level playing field, where male can compare their AFR against female, big against small, tall v’s short, light v’s heavy.

Feel free to shout out your friends with the hashtag #mybestbeatsyourbest


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